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How worrying affects our lives

Silke van Loenen

Worrying is a normal part of our life — everyone does it from time to time. But left lingering for too long, it can have effects on both your mental and physical health.

Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.
About worrying

I love this quote. It's so true. It's so human too. It's very human to worry. It's a word that’s probably quite familiar to you. After all, don’t we all worry so now and then?

Worrying affects our lives. It's human. It's normal. But... let's be clear: constant worrying isn't good for you. It brings stress. And let’s get to the point, stress is bad for you. Bad for your mind and bad for your body. Stress hormones and thus high stress levels have been linked to heart diseases, premature aging, shrinking brain mass, relationship problems, depression and migraines to name a few.

According to Penn University 91% of people’s worries never actually come to fruition, and the other 9% of worries that we experience, when the event occurs, we realise that they weren’t anywhere near as bad as we expected.

91%. Let that sink in. All those hours, nights, days, weeks, months, maybe even years. Feeling depressed, stressed-out and anxious. Worrying and over-thinking.

When you find yourself worrying about something, ask yourself: “Is this worry really justified?”.

It’s of course, easier said than done. Maybe you need some help to find out why you worry. Is it because you can’t control certain events, thoughts or even people? Or are you feeling anxious or at risk?

Just imagine how great you would feel when life is lighter, even in darker moments 🌞 Knowing that you have the best coping mechanisms and skills to combat the difficult moments. Imagine feeling free and enjoying life.

Free of unnecessary worrying.

Free of stress.

Feeling better and stronger both physically and mentally.

Are you ready for a change?

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